

Trójwieś from Vistula town is divided by the Kubalonka Pass, and the nearest village to Vistula is Istebna. Trójwieś is located higher than the Vistula itself, which is why the views are particularly beautiful there.

In Istebna, Jaworzynka and Koniaków you can feel the true highlanders' tradition. It is here that old rites are very much cultivated, and the Catholic faith is stronger than anywhere else in the area.

During the period of regular events such as harvest festival and every Sunday, most residents dress their carefully prepared and stored traditional highland costumes.

Trójwieś from Vistula town is divided by the Kubalonka Pass, and the nearest village to Vistula is Istebna. Trójwieś is located higher than the Vistula itself, which is why the views are particularly beautiful there.

In Istebna, Jaworzynka and Koniaków you can feel the true highlanders' tradition. It is here that old rites are very much cultivated, and the Catholic faith is stronger than anywhere else in the area.

During the period of regular events such as harvest festival and every Sunday, most residents dress their carefully prepared and stored traditional highland costumes.

List of favorites

Kawulok Hut - Istebna

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Memorial chamber of Jerzy Kukuczka - Istebna Wilcze

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Regional shop "Kolyba na Szańcach" - Koniaków

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Museum of Lace - Koniaków

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Museum "Na Grapie" - Jaworzynka

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Church "NMP Nieustającej Pomocy" - Laliki

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Trójstyk - Jaworzynka

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